About Melatonin

Melatonin; Nature's Nightcap

vs-3180-fr-wht-bottle.jpgWhat exactly is Melatonin?
"Melatonin is the all-natural nightcap. It's secreted by the pineal gland, a pea-size structure at the center of the brain, as our eyes register the fall of darkness." At night melatonin is produced to help our bodies regulate our sleep-wake cycles. The amount of melatonin produced by our body seems to lessen as we get older. Scientists believe this may be why young people have less problem sleeping than older people. 

Why take it?
"Studies suggest that... supplements can hasten sleep and ease jet lag, without the hazards or side effects of prescription sleeping pills." Melatonin may have many other uses and has been reported to make people feel better, strengthen the immune system, and reduce free radicals in the body. Current research is underway to determine melatonin's effect as an anti-oxidant, immno-modulator in cancer, delayed sleep-phase disorders, and jet lag. Tests are still under way so there is much to still be learned about melatonin and its effects on the human body. 

What is pharmacy grade melatonin?
The preferred form of melatonin is synthetic or pharmacy grade melatonin, which is produced from pharmaceutical grade ingredients. This form is molecularly identical to the melatonin that we produce in our own bodies, without unwanted extras. 

Be Aware:

Naturalanimal, or bovine grade melatonin contains the actual extracts of the pineal gland. Because it comes from animal tissue, this grade of melatonin may be 


accompanied by viruses or proteins that could cause an antibody response. We highly recommend that people stay away from it. 

Vitasunn.com carries only top-brand, pharmaceutical grade melatonin
CLICK HERE to see our selection.

 benefits the most?
Travelers and people suffering from mild sleep disorders. According to Newsweek, a typical comment from discussion groups on the Internet is, "'Folks, I've tried melatonin and it's great. It has ...restored my sleep cycle, given me lots of energy.'"

What is the recommended dosage?
The appropriate dose can vary enormously from person to person. For example, we offer tablets of 1 mg and 3.0 mg. Start off with a 1 mg tablet each night before bed-time, and work your way to larger doses if needed.

Are there any side effects?
According to one report, "10 percent of the users said the hormone did nothing for them, and another 10 percent complained of side effects such as nightmares, headaches, morning groginess, mild depression, and low sex drive. In past studies, researchers have given people up to 600 to 3,000 times the usual doses - without causing any toxicity."

What additional benefits are there and how reliable are these claims?
"In test-tube and animal experiments, researchers have found that it protects cells, strengthens the immune system and slows the growth of some tumors." Tests with laboratory mice suggest that melatonin might also reduce the effects of aging - but remember, these results are verypreliminary. "

Should certain people avoid it?
Yes. "Those include women who are pregnant or nursing (since no one knows how excessive exposure to the hormone might affect a fetus or infant); people with severe allergies or autoimmune diseases (melatonin could exacerbate such conditions by stimulating the immune system); people with immune-system cancers such as lymphoma or leukemia (for the same reason), and healthy children (who already produce it in abundance). Women trying to conceive should also think twice about taking the hormone, since high doses can act as a contraceptive." As with any substance introduced into your body, if you have a medical condition you should always consult your physician first before taking melatonin. 

melatonine-1-mg-60.jpgCLICK HERE to see our range of Melatonin products..

Will melatonin extend my lifespan?
There are no human studies to support this contention. In tests on both rats and mice melatonin caused a significant 20% increase in their lifespan. If melatonin does allow you to live longer and healthier it could do so because melatonin may reduce free radical damage; stimulate an aging immune system; protect the cardiovascular system; preserve a youthful circadian rhythm; stimulate the production of growth hormone.

Will melatonin enhance my sex life?
There is no evidence to support this claim as it relates to humans. However, a 1995 rodent study suggests that taking small amounts of melatonin on a regular basis may prevent the age-related decline in testosterone levels, allowing men to be more active sexually in their later years.

Is melatonin safe?
Melatonin is one of the least toxic substances known. People have taken as much as 6 grams (600 to 3000 times the normal dosage) of the substance in carefully monitored studies with no sign of toxicity. Only four complaints regarding melatonin have been report to the FDA (USA's Food and Drug Administration). The only consistent side effect of high doses has been drowsiness and a slower reaction time. In the most extensive clinical trial to date a high dose of 75 milligrams of melatonin per day was given to 1400 women in the Netherlands for up to four years with no ill effects. The FDA reports that in the more than two years melatonin has been available for sale over-the-counter in the United States, no alarming side effects have been reported.

When should the dosage be administered?
Melatonin should only be taken at nighttime, usually about thirty minutes prior to going to bed. If you are traveling on a long trip you may want to take a dosage prior to getting on your flight and a higher dosage pill prior to going to bed. If you commonly sleep during the night, melatonin should not normally be taken during the day - and vice versa - because melatonin plays a role in setting the body's daily clock.

Does melatonin have that morning-after hangover effect of sleeping pills?
No. You should normally wake up well refreshed and full of energy. If you wake up feeling a little tired you should reduce your dosage until you wake up feeling well refreshed. You will not have the hangover effect you may experience with over-the-counter or prescription sleeping pills. 


Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain which is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin supplements can help to improve sleep quality and duration.

Here at Vitasunn Nutritionals, we offer a variety of melatonin supplements to suit your needs. Like most people, you probably have a few questions about melatonin. What is it? What does it do? How do I take it? Is it safe? This guide will debunk some of the most common myths about melatonin and answer the most frequently asked questions.

Who should take melatonin supplements, and who should avoid them?
There are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not to take melatonin supplements.

People who may benefit from taking the melatonin vitamin include those with jet lag, night shift workers, and those who have difficulty sleeping. Melatonin may also be helpful for people with certain sleep disorders, such as insomnia.

People who should avoid taking melatonin include pregnant women and people with medical conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Melatonin may also interact with certain medications, so it is essential to speak to a healthcare provider before taking supplements.

How much melatonin should be taken for optimal results, and how often can it be safely taken per day/week/month?

The amount of melatonin that should be taken depends on the person. The safe and effective dosage is 0.25 to 0.50 mg for adults and 0.125 mg for children which they can take as melatonin gummies.

Melatonin should not be taken for more than four weeks without talking to a doctor first. When taken properly, melatonin is safe to take daily.

Are there any side effects of taking melatonin supplements, and what should I do if they occur?
The most frequently reported adverse effect of melatonin is drowsiness. Additionally, headache, nausea, and dizziness are possible side effects. If you notice any of these side effects, it is recommended that you discontinue the use of the supplement and consult your physician.

Will taking a melatonin supplement interfere with my natural ability to fall asleep or stay asleep at night?
The answer to this question is, unfortunately, not definitive. While melatonin is a hormone produced by the body naturally and helps regulate sleep, taking a supplement can sometimes have the opposite effect. It's essential to speak with a doctor before taking any supplement, especially if you're already taking medication for another condition.

Melatonin may interact with other medications and cause unwanted side effects in some cases. Additionally, it's possible that taking a supplement could disrupt your body's natural production of the hormone, which could lead to difficulty sleeping in the long run. If you decide to take a melatonin supplement, start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed. And always stop taking the supplement if you experience any adverse side effects.

Where can I find quality melatonin supplements at a reasonable price?
You can find them conveniently at Vitasunn Nutritionals in regular tablets, liquid melatonin, chewable melatonin, and gummy melatonin. The melatonin supplements at Vitasunn are of the highest quality and reasonably priced.

Vitasunn.com carries only top-brand, pharmaceutical grade melatonin
CLICK HERE to see our selection.